
kickstart your responsive workflow

Responsive Web Design is one of the trendiest topics regarding web development and design, therefore, it can easily become overwhelming to incorporate it to a workflow.To gether the best practices and manage the demand of growing and on-going projects may be a daunting and confusing task at start.

That's why BrowserFit is here! It's an open-source guideline that helps you organize your workflow for RWD projects. The idea is to bring all best and freshest practices. From design to deploy. There's no silver bullet nor yellow brick road here, but hopefully you'll find enough considerations to decide which approach will suit better for your project.

...and that's just the tip of the iceberg!

Contribute on Github

If you urge to go further (and we hope you do!) go to This-is-Responsive, there're plenty of good references there and is also open to contributions!